About Us

Recruit, Train, Organize & Elect Democrats on the Eastern Shore

Our mandate is that simple. Political movements are not beholden to our county borders. What happens in Talbot is felt in Dorchester, Wicomico’s progress spills into Somerset, and the energy in Kent can spur momentum in Caroline. Our shared values and connected communities can be used to our advantage to bring needed change to our beloved Shore.

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We’ve experienced historic victories and observed heartbreaking losses that demonstrate the need for a comprehensive, coordinated political organizing effort across our region. It is time for us to come together, develop and share best practices, and work collaboratively to build a sophisticated, people-driven network of Democratic organizers on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

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We are a group of organizers that represent a variety of Democratic groups from the Lower, Mid-, and Upper Shore. We’re working together to develop and disseminate best practices on how to win on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

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Our objective is to be the dedicated organization on the Eastern Shore that teaches Democrats how to run for office and win elections. From your county clerks and county council candidates to the state legislature and Congress, our trainings will give Democratic organizers the tools and resources necessary to support the neighbors and community leaders that step up, put their name on the ballot, and run to serve on the Eastern Shore.

We won’t be left behind. We know how to build a movement.

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